The Koan Of Illness

Transformation Teaching Blog

The path to wellbeing

Psychic Cookies Oct 02, 2023

I've been doing a lot of shadow work recently.  I came across this short essay I wrote decades ago, and it's still relevant.

                         Psychic Cookies

The other day I mentioned to my ...

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Like many of us, I’ve been reading and watching a lot about AI these days.  As I understand it, we have a fairly narrow time window (maybe a couple of years) during which we can influence the AI (some...

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How to be with someone who is ill chronic illness love trust Feb 27, 2023

When a loved one is ill, it can be difficult to know how to be there for them. You may feel helpless, unsure of what to say or do, and worried about making things worse. However, there are things you ...

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Perfectionism and chronic illness – a bad match Feb 20, 2023

Chronic illness can be a challenging and life-altering experience. It can be hard to come to terms with the limitations and uncertainty that it brings, and it can be easy to get lost in feelings of fr...

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The stigma surrounding illness chronic illness Feb 06, 2023

Illness is an inevitable part of the human experience. It is something that affects us all, whether it be in the form of a minor cold or a chronic condition. Yet despite its universality, there is sti...

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What is the Koan of Illness? chronic illness Feb 01, 2023

If you or a loved one suffer from a chronic illness, you've come to the right place. Here, we look at illness as a growth path instead of a prison sentence, a healing journey instead of series of loss...

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Ten Principles #3. “You Could Be Wrong, Lynn” personal development Jun 20, 2022

This was one I really needed to hear.  To accept that we could be wrong means we have to take off the blinders, to let go of our tunnel vision, and to begin to accept into our consciousness the perspe...

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Ten Principles: #2 Trust personal development trust Jun 13, 2022

It was hard for me then in the fall of 1995 to trust in the basic goodness of the universe, even to accept that there was a divine purpose to it all that we may not understand.  But over the years I l...

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Ten Principles: #1 Love Is the Only Transformative Thing love personal development Jun 06, 2022

Over a period of two years beginning with Thanksgiving 1995, ten guiding principles “dropped” into my mind accompanied by an electric ‘felt’ sense (a feeling I have sometimes that heightens my awarene...

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Why It’s Important to “Grow Up” before “Waking Up.” personal development May 23, 2022

Adyashanti said in a recent talk that some people are “big experiencers” and others are not but that neither was a determinant of a higher state of awakening. I found this reassuring since I have neve...

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Has Your Life Gotten Off Track? personal development May 10, 2022

Has Your Life Gotten Off Track?

Do you ever feel like your life is so far off track that you don’t know how you’ll ever get back on?  Maybe you’ve lost your job, maybe you’re in recovery from an addi...

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KOI Workshop for Integral European Conference integral conference Mar 17, 2022

A workshop by Lynn Fuentes on Chronic illness on the Integral European Conference (ICE) on May 2020

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