What does it Mean to
Grow Up and Wake Up?
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Clear, actionable advice to enjoy a life of peace, balance, joy, and love.
Our Solutions
The Koan of Illness Series
If you or a loved one suffer from a chronic illness, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we look at illness as a growth path instead of a prison sentence, a healing journey instead of series of losses, and an opportunity for awakening beyond the confines of body and mind.
How to Grow Up and Wake Up
This 12 week course offers you an opportunity to create your own map for personal growth and spiritual development. You will gain clarity on what growing up and waking up mean for you and develop a picture of what your growth can look like in domains ranging from the spiritual to the to the interpersonal.
Un Curso de Milagros
The desire to wake up spiritually is something natural in the human being, often driven by the need to escape from a cocoon that has become too small for us. Each time we meditate, we transform our human consciousness, expanding our mind towards the frontier of the spirit.
Meet Lynn and Jose
Our Story
Lynn and José are leading exponents of the new wave of consciousness that is coming into the world. Long time teachers of integral philosophy and life practice, of “waking up” and “growing up” which merges Eastern awakening practice with western developmental psychology, they bring clarity to often obscure spiritual and psychological subjects and inspire others to find lives of peace, balance, joy, and love.
Lynn has a BA in politics, an MA in communication, a JD in law, and a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology and conflict management. She has worked as a lawyer, mediator, college professor, and online course designer and instructor. The founder of the Chronic Illness Initiative at DePaul University and an expert in chronic illness, she has taught and written on psychology, conflict resolution, health, and development. Her books include The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach; After the Wrecking Ball: Ten Principles for Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos; and It’s Not Too Late: You Can Build a Bright Future Starting Right Now. Lynn is certified as an SQ 21 coach, a Stages International assessment scorer and debriefer, and a Lectica debriefer.
A key player in bringing integral programs and processes to the Spanish speaking world, José founded La Vida Integral in 2021 with four partners to offer integrally informed, high level opportunities for people to learn and practice an integral consciousness. Jose has a degree in engineering, many years of experience as a monastic, and many years in the telecommunications industry in both the USA and Colombia where he also founded the publication Computer World in Colombia. He teaches courses in meditation and in the Course in Miracles. José is certified as a coach in SQ21, the Now Technique, The Sedona Method, Conscious Language of Mastery Systems, and AONC.
As recognized leaders in the integral movement, their mission is to help usher this new consciousness into the world through their teaching, networking, and coaching. They have also created and hosted two global integral conferences: the Hispanoamerica Integral Encuentro in Bogota, Colombia in June 2019 and the What’s the Future and What Can We Do About It? in Sedona, Arizona in November 2022.
Both Lynn and José practice an integral life of meditation, cognitive and psychological development, physical fitness, and service to others.

Recommended Reading
After the Wrecking Ball: Ten Principles for Finding Peace Amidst Conflict
Dr. Lynn Christine Fuentes
After her life fell apart in l995, the author “received” ten spiritual principles that guided her to develop a new and thrilling life. This book describes how these principles can work in our lives and how to use them to create abundance, joy, happy relationships, and peace.
Get BookIt’s Not Too Late: You Can Grow a Bright Future Starting Right Now
Dr. Lynn Royster Fuentes
Millions of adults are disillusioned, disappointed, and even despairing about the way their life has turned out. They may have worked hard and done what they were supposed to do, but the rewards they expected aren’t there for them. Others may have made major mistakes and fear they will continue to be held back by them for the rest of their lives. This book shows us how to resurrect our lost or “impossible” dreams, step onto a path of our own choosing, and succeed in achieving our most treasured goals.
Get BookThe Koan of Illness: An Integral Approach
Dr. Lynn Royster Fuentes
Using the comprehensive integral maps of philosopher Ken Wilber, himself a person with long-term chronic illness, the author describes effective ways to frame and clarify the realities of living with chronic illness and then shows us how to work with these maps to improve each area of this life, from managing personal disempowerment and trauma, to handling relationship changes, to negotiating social attitudes, to shifting interior values and beliefs.
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